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Wednesday, 25th October 2023
On This Day In Def Leppard History (25th October 2022)
Def Leppard 2022
On This Day in Def Leppard History - 25th October, the following concerts and events took place. Including the 2004 release of the second greatest hits album 'Best Of Def Leppard' in the UK/Worldwide.
It reached Number 6 in the UK Top 40 album charts.
The companion 'Best Of The Videos' DVD was released on the same day featuring 29 videos.
Read more about this album/video release anniversary.
As of 2023, Def Leppard have played 3 times on this date.
2011 - Live Concert
2006 - Live Concert
2004 - DVD Release
2004 - Album Release
1988 - Live Concert
Memorial Coliseum, Portland, OR, USA | Night 1
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