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Friday, 18th January 1980
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  • Location / Aberdeen, Scotland
  • Venue / Students' Union @ University Of Aberdeen

The first and only show by the band in this city.

The first night of a six week UK club tour with Witchfynde and local acts in support.

This city is located in Northern Scotland and the furthest north the band have played in the UK.

The first time at this venue which was a very popular venue locally in the 70s/80s.

The show took place in the Students' Union building.

The venue is located on the Kings College campus of the University which was founded way back in the mid 1800's.

It was opened as a venue for concerts in the late 60s and continued to host big name bands until at least 1995.

New songs 'It Don't Matter' and 'It Could Be You' were played for the very first time at this show. The Nine other songs from the album had all been performed during 1979.

'Good Morning Freedom' featured an extended middle section with a short drum solo by Rick Allen leading into a guitar duel by Pete Willis and Steve Clark.

Read more about this tour in the Lep History section.

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  • 00 - n/a


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