On This Day In Def Leppard History (25th June 2023)
On This Day in Def Leppard History - 25th June, the following concerts and events took place. Including a show in South Yarmouth, MA during the Pyromania tour on this day in 1983.
This was the first show back after 6 dates were rescheduled (and 1 cancelled) due to Joe's vocal problems.
He appeared on MTV the night before this show and talked about his issues and the tour restarting. He had to see a vocal coach/therapist to help get his voice ready again and hung out with Ozzy Osbourne in New York.
Read more about this event and watch an MTV Interview video.
As of 2023, Def Leppard have played 13 times on this date.
Noorderligt, Tilburg, HOLLAND | Night 2
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