St. Petersburg, Russia - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By Alesha (Alex)
The guys were awesome! I was in the second row in 3 meters from the stage and my friend was in the front row. I saw the band live so close!!!
Thank you so much, Joe, Sav, Rick, Viv and Phil for the amazing show!!! Hope you weren't disappointed with us Russian fans.
Before the concert it seemed that nobody knew about the Def Leppard gig that evening as we walked along. There were not any posters (advertising the show) even small ones. We reached the venue place at 6 PM - 1 hour left. Yubileyniy is an ice-hockey stadium (capacity about 9,000). It was quiet enough around the building but lots of people were inside. We bought DL T-shirts and entered the arena.
The show started at 8 PM. No opening band, just lots of not bad records played back till this time and we could enjoy seeing how staff were checking equipment for the show. There was a problem with a light at the left side of the stage and I guess that it could be the main reason for the late opening. The show lasted 1hour and 30 mins - not as long as it could be.
The lights and stage, as far as I know, were the standard design for the X tour - nothing special. One interesting little detail - aromatic sticks at Rick's drum seat. Was that usual case or not?
As for the audience, I didnt count, it's impossible, but in my opinion it was about 4.5 to 5 thousand people. 7 up to 50 years old. Most of them were friendly but I saw several heavily drunk people who caused some trouble during the show. Thanks to security officers they were taken away. And I really worried about the front row when the crowd moved towards the stage a few times. And certainly this mass of people produced a noise that I think the Lepps liked a lot.
Rick Allen - I want to mention this Man first. Now I understand what the name Thunder God means! And a smile that didn't leave his face during the whole show. Joe Elliott sang very well. I liked his manner to deal with the audience. Sav was serious on the stage but his playing was very good. Viv was a big joker at the show - he ran on the stage, sat near Rick still playing, followed Sav or Phil hiding at their backs. And again - his wonderful solos in Rocket and Love Bites.
Phil - I think he was the brightest person at the show! He seemed to be everywhere, someone presented him flowers and he took them playing guitar at the same time! All the guys didn't look tired but don't forget they've been touring for a long time!
Now I understand that the only negative point of being in front rows is not very good sound. The main dynamics were directed into the center of the arena and I missed a lot in the sound. I could just believe those who said that it was very good.
After the Show. IMO, everyone was satisfied - people really got what they wanted.
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