Nashville, TN - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By Tennlep
This was my first leppard show and it was INCREDIBLE. I met my brother and sis-in-law in Nashville and we got there about 3:00, walked around awhile, heard the B52's. At 4 pm, radio station had drawing for 3 sets of backstage passes, unfortunately, I did not win, wanted to go ask the winners how much they would sell them for. At 6 pm, we went to the stage that they were to play at, it was general admission but it was getting full in front. So we hurried to eat and get back down there, managed to get really close to the stage without making anyone upset (some had been there since 9 am). About 1 hour before showtime, I squeeze into the front row, so I was front row center stage, could not believe I was there. No cameras were allowed, a few were sneaked in (including mine) security was really strict.
At 9:20, we see the black X curtain go up by this time people were packed in there, there was absolutely no more room at all. Security started handing out earplugs, and at 9:30, the boys run out on stage, it was unreal how much energy they had. Crowd went wild. Sound was really distorted, could barely even make out the songs, but I had so much fun. Cute little beside me that Joe kept making eyes at. Two guys on the left of me that were barely moving at all, I could not understand that.
Right before the encore, Joe comes out saying that it was Malvin's Birthday, so we all get to sing Happy Birthday to him "HAPPY BIRTHDAY MALVIN!!!!"
For us ladies out there, the guys wore: JOE: Black Leather Pants w/ Black Shirt, SAV, who by the way, is incredibly slim: Black Shirt w/Black Pants with white designs on them, PHIL: Black Pants w/Black Muscle Shirt, VIV: Jeans w/White T-shirt with black collar and armbands on sleeves, RICK: Raven Drum T-shirt w/shorts. Some info on what was going on with the crowd, they were going ballistic. About 4 songs into it, I sneak behind my Sis-in-law to snap pictures, One security guard sees me, tells me no pictures but I hold up my hand asking him for one picture, and incredibly he nods and looks away. So I'm right behind 1st row with a camera with a zoom lenses and I just start snapping away. I get Joe, Phil and Sav, but unfortunately I must have been moving around too much because every picture comes out blurry but for one with Sav in it. (I will post it if someone will tell me how). All is not lost however because I gave my brother another camera and he takes off to get away from the stage so security will not see him so hopefully his pictures will turn out better. I just enjoy the show after that.
After the encore, they come out to take a bow, everyone is screaming at the top of their lungs, Viv, I'm not sure why, lifts his shirt to some people in the front row. I see Sav grab a handful of picks and walk toward where I am. I start screaming at him to throw me just one pick, he sees me yelling holds his hand up to his ear and says that he couldn't hear me, he finally understands and throws the whole handful to me. Everyone dives and I actually catch one and grab two more that I eventually give away. So after the show everyone is leaving, and I ask the same security guard to get me a setlist and he manages to grab Joe's. And that's the end. Fabulous Show. Would not have missed it for anything. Huge thank you for the security guard that lets me take pictures and gets the setlist for me. Sorry this is so long, I didn't want to leave anything out.
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