Moscow, Russia - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - Moscow 24th Nov, End of the X-tour By Anca (from Romania)
I'm still very melancholic about, so I'm gonna try to make this as impartial as I can.
The venue wasn't sold out, about 6500 people there (9000 capacity) but this didn't affected the band's determination to play a hell of a show. Somehow they managed to over-come their tiredness and finished a great tour (started exactly 1 year ago) on such an exceptional note. We were all there bound together (both the band and the public) by the same will to make the most of it, and from the moment they hit the stage right thru the very end there was nothing else but a big crowd acting in the same vibe.
The set list was the same, but the show was longer with 30 minutes (a bit longer guitars solo's, more of Joe talking, extra-extended Rocket). Everything was perfect, the sound, the lights, the guys mood, the public responded to that, everybody sang along, nobody stayed put, the whole place was on fire right from the beginning.
Joe's voice wasn't at its best at first, but as he warmed up he started to sound better and better. Honestly, it didn't matter much, as he had us all spellbound and kept it like this till the end of the show. The energy this man spreads around is so contagious, and we all acted like crazy; yelling, dancing, jumping and singing our lungs out.
Phil and Viv were playing incredible solo's both alone or complementing each other very well over the entire show. Sav was in a great shape, smiling, laughing and fooling around with the rest of the guys. But Rick really astonished us during the whole of Rocket and we were almost shocked when he stood up at the end of it and we realized again he's a one armed drummer! He absolutely made us forget this and he got such extended applause that it took some time till the next song began!
That was the line for the whole show, no boring or relaxing moments, and in the end of it as the venue still reverberated under Joe's promise "there will be a next time", nobody had the heart to go home and break the incredible magic this extraordinary band spread on us. We just stood there, talking to each other, exchanging opinions over the show till we practically had to be kicked out.
That was an unforgettable evening and I'm sure I'm talking on behalf of everybody who attended this last gig. I talked to a lot of people there and I didn't hear even one person who hadn't enjoy it as much as I did. Now all we have to do is looking forward to the next tour (only hope it won't be again 3 years till then).
Fan Review - By Alesha (Alex)
Before the Show
There were lots of posters on the streets, Ads on Radio and TV. On the way to the venue my friends said that they had seen Sav walking on a bridge towards the Red Square that afternoon. Def Leppard were staying at the Baltchug Hotel that is very close to their hotel and Red Square. Everyone entering the venue was offered a "bandana" (some kind of headscarf with DL logo) free of charge. It was very nice cause everyone with these looked more attached to the event.
Def Leppard
The setlist was the same (as St. Petersburg). Again there was no opening band and it was good cause everyone wanted to see DL and nobody else! It lasted for about 2 hours. It seemed to be the same as other shows (at least one I saw at St. Petersburg) but something was different! Every person in the Luzhniki knew that it was the final show of the long tour and tried to have fun at the highest level. I can say that the band succeeded too!
The Audience
It was a f***ng working day and I guess it was the main reason that the show wasn't sold out. But I can assure everyone that it was much more than half full (at least 6,000).
I got 5th row and it was a very good place because the visual and sound panorama was so close to perfect. People had lots of fun but, imo, at St.Petersburg it was a little bit noisier. I don't think that it was caused by the tragedy that had happened the day before. It's terrifying to say but unfortunately we have adapted ourselves to such horrible things which are not rare here (like in many other huge cities). [A fire caused many deaths of Foreign students in a Moscow dorm building.]
Lights, Sound
I can say that it was damn good there! Either I got right place or it was just really fantastic - each song was accompanied by very colorful lights that changed in very harmonious ways! It was smokier on the stage than in St.Petersburg and it was very beautiful to see Lepps outlines in the smoky white lights against the black background! As for sound, now I understand that DL has no bad sound at the show!
The Band
I don't want to specify every member of the band cause they looked like a single whole - The Band! - on the stage! They looked so happy! What a pity I couldn't see Rick's face from my place, but other members and especially Sav smiled a lot that night! And certainly they looked relieved (happy) when the show was over! The whole year they were touring all around the world (as Joe said: "We've almost made a circle"). It's extremely hard especially when you have everything and don't need money. That's why it doubles, trebles and so I pass on my respect to the Band that they are always so attached to their fans in a way that no one else is!.
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