Grand Prairie, TX - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By DWF
Thanks to the man working the soundboard who gave me the play list after I thanked him for a great show and for taking my thank you note for the band.
What a great show! You guys, I cannot express how great the band is! They rocked us all, every song was played fiercely. Fists were in the air from every audience member. Everyone sang together, we all just jammed! They wore me out!
The guys looked great. I think towards the end of the show Joe was getting hoarse but he did an awesome job!
After the show fans waited outside and Rick Allen came out to sign autographs. No one was left behind, Rick stayed for everyone. He was very gracious and I thanked him for his time. My husband even called him the THUNDERGOD! Phil came out briefly but I missed seeing him. But I have Rick’s autograph and had pictures taken with him. We also have pix of the show, those will be developed ASAP.
Thank you to the Leps and everyone who works with the show, Dallas was pleased and we will see you at the next tour!.
Fan Review - By Matt
As I type my ears are ringing. But they are ringing as a result of one amazing show put on by the Leps. For starters, they did the High N Dry set with 2 Steps, leaving off You're So Beautiful, and playing a bit of Sweet Home.
The new Nextstage building is very nice. This was my first show in my old back yard. It's amazing what has been put up since I moved from Dallas in 1999. This indoor concert hall is pretty big, pretty good sound, and beats the heck out of sitting out in the summer sun at the Starplex.
As it seems to be with several of their shows, (and this is the only negative thing about the show), the sound was screwed up again at the very beginning. Joe's mic was not working on Let it Go up thru the first chorus. Another mic was given to him, and when his voice came across the system, the audience gave him a nice response.
I can't even begin to explain how excited I was about hearing the High n Dry set. They jammed those songs one right after another with Joe sounding quite well after a 3 week break. And speaking of break, Joe was without a sling, but it was obvious that he was injured b/c he kept his arm near his side hte entire time. He let the audience know when he saddled up for 2 Steps and gave props to the doctor for getting him up and running in short order.
I was pretty impressed with the lighting for this show. I think the best in my opinion was during NOW. After the first chorus when it gets heavy, the lights flashed really fast almost in a strobe type way with a reddish/purple tint. It worked well with the mood the song was setting. The rest of the lighting during the show was pretty tight.
On to the audience. They were outstanding. This was my 7th Lep show, and by far the loudest I've heard. Joe took a good while during one of the breaks to thank everybody for being so loud. If the place wasn't sold out, it was dang close. He said, (I'm getting this as close as I can remember) "I'm not bullsh*tting you people, we played before 40,000 people in Georgia 3 weeks ago, and they didn't come near making as much noise as you have. Hell, ya'll sang Sweet Home Alabama louder than they did in Alabama." I'm telling you folks, it almost hurt my ears it was so loud from the applause.
Crowd favorites were Rocket, Animal, Armageddon It, Sugar, and Rock of Ages. That's not saying they didn't like the others. The people cheered loudly for almost every song, save the X songs, but the 5 aforementioned about raised the roof off the house.
Of the X songs, they were warmly received. People sat down during Long Way, but that was the only song of the night that happened. NOW was well received. 4 Letter didn't get the response I was expecting, but that song is very good live. I hope it stays on the setlist, but only time will tell.
Finally, Ricky did a fine job opening the show. I didn't know really what to expect and kind of went into it thinking I wouldn't like him based off of prior opening acts for Leppard. He was pretty good. There was maybe 1 song I didn't like, but for the most part I enjoyed hearing him jam alone.
Hopefully they'll get a decent review from the papers.
Fan Review - By Chris
It was my first time seeing the Leps and they didn't disappoint. I was quite surprised to hear "Make Love Like A Man" added to the set-list instead of "You're So Beautiful". I was also surprised that they didn't play "Gods Of War", "Rock! Rock! 'Till You Drop" or "Too Late For Love", but then again we're talking about a band with at least 10 major hits under their belt so based on time constraints alone I can see why they weren't played.
The boys LOOKED fantastic! I can say without fail that Sav hasn't looked this great since Andrenalize! Some photos I've seen from the Slang and Euphoria tours are great, but tonight the guys looked like the true rock stars that they are while still being very modern/stylish.
The boys also SOUNDED really great. The music was mixed perfectly (aside from Joe's mic not working during "Let It Go") but to me it was way too loud for the venue they were in. I was in the 11th row and couldn't hear a thing after the show. I also saw Scorpions, Whitesnake and Dokken at this same venue and I felt the same way about Whitesnake's sound. Way too loud for the type of venue they were in. At times Leppard were so loud I couldn't even tell what song they were playing, and I haven't had that happen since seeing Ted Nugent in 2000. But all in all it was one of the most amazing shows I've seen in my young 18 years and I can't wait until next time because as Joe said to the 6,300 on hand, "There WILL be a next time!".
Fan Review - By Rob
OK, this was the first of 3 DL shows for me, and here is my short, and sticky sweet, review. first of all, I thought that Ricky Warwick was a good opener (especially compared to the bands that DL has used in recent years), but the Dallas crowd was not digging him.
On to the show. The band was in x-cellent shape (surgery has not slowed down joe a bit). the setlist was great (I would have died if they didn't do the high 'n' dry set at one of the shows I attended). The stage was simple, but very functional and the lighting was very impressive. the venue was the absolute nicest that I have ever been to, but my seats stunk. This led to my one primary complaint of the show. The sound was terrible. It seemed that the sound people set up the sound system with no regard for the folks in the mezzanine. Joe's vocals, and most of the guitar work sounded very muffled. The only things that sounded good were the harmonies, and the acoustic stuff (the thunder god also sounded great). The sound did not ruin the show, however because the audio problems were unnoticeable when the crowd got involved in the songs. the crowd was very good, but I thought that the X material tanked. Now & FLW sounded good, but the band didn't do LLWTG justice (this song probably should be done acoustic). highlights of the show would have to be "Heartbreak", Rick Allen's solo during "Switch", and PSSOM.
Afterwards, my gf and I decided to stick around to try and meet the band. we were rewarded by autographs and pics of Rick Allen and Phil. Both guys were very friendly with everyone who stuck around (once again DL proves that they are the classiest band around).
All in all a great show, and a great memory made (well worth the four-and-a-half hour drive from Houston). See everyone in San ntonio.
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