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The JOE ELLIOTT Show 2nd March 2024 Playlist/Transcript

Joe Elliott 2024. The Joe Elliott Show

Def Leppard singer Joe Elliott hosted another edition of his weekly radio show on 2nd March on Planet Rock.

This week's show included songs by Roxy Music, UFO and The Who.

The full playlist is shown below and a full transcript.

The show is available using the On Demand feature. It is also repeated on Tuesdays at 9pm and Thursdays at 4am.

The Joe Elliott Show - 2nd March 2024 Playlist

  • 01 - John Otway - Beware Of The Flowers
  • 02 - Sham 69 - If The Kids Are United
  • 03 - The Stranglers - No More Heroes
  • 04 - Roxy Music - Both Ends Burning
  • 05 - Japan - Suburban Love
  • 06 - Mick Ronson - Empty Bed
  • 07 - Paul McCartney - Call Me Back Again
  • 08 - Kennedy Express - Little Lolita
  • 09 - New York Dolls - Jet Boy
  • 10 - The Sweet -Teenage Rampage

Show Intro

"Good evening, greetings, welcome, all that kind of stuff. Once again to the Joe Elliott show right here on the wonderful Planet Rock. Great to be with you as always. Got some wild and wacky music lined up for you tonight. We've only got 60 short minutes, one solid hour. So where are we going to go? Let's head off to that weird and wonderful place that is John Otway and Wild Willie Barrett."

John Otway

"Well, that's a first, folks. Yes, in all the years I've been doing this show, I've never played that song before, but I do remember it with great fondness. It was on the jukebox at the South Seas pub when we used to sneak in as 16 year olds pretending to be 18. The one thing I will say about punk rock is it gave everybody who thought they'd never make a record a chance to actually make a record. And people like John Otway and Wild Willie Barrett, who we just heard, grasped the nettle and went with it and made some great music at the end of the day and taken from the greatest hits album that's actually credited purely to John Otway. But it is Otway and Barrett, we just heard, Beware Of The flowers."

Sham 69

"Now that jukebox in the South Seas pub in Brew Mill in Sheffield also had this on it."

"And before that, the Hersham Boys themselves, Shams 69, taken from a Best Of collection. It was a huge hit for them and what a tune if The Kids Are United."

The Stranglers

"New Wave ruling the roost for the first 10 minutes or so of this show. Wonderful stuff. That is the Stranglers' title track of their second album from 1977, No More Heroes."

Roxy Music

"Now moving slightly back from the punk era to the more glammy era, 1975, it was just coming to an end. But this band showed no signs of slowing down. This is Roxy Music."

"And before that, Roxy Music from a wonderful album called Siren, which was released in 1975, hit single for them, Both Ends Burning."


"Funky baby, real funky. That's Japan from their debut album in 1977 called Adolescent Sex. The song is Suburban Love."

"You are listening to the Joe Elliott Show right here on the Wonderful Planet Rock. Coming up, Mick Ronson sleeping alone once again."

Mick Ronson

"And before that, we heard Mick Ronson from his second solo album back in 1975. The album is Play Don't Worry, the song that we heard, The Empty Bed."

Paul McCartney

"An album that doesn't get mentioned much, possibly because it was following an unfollowable album in Band On The Run. That is Paul McCartney and Wings from the album Venus And Mars, which in actual fact is a very, very good record indeed. The song we just heard, Call Me Back Again."

Kennedy Express

"Now then, here's a three minute and ten second wonderful slab of absolute genius pop music. This is Kennedy Express."

"And before that, a fantastic bit of pop rock from a band called Kennedy Express, who literally disappeared before they even started because it wasn't even a hit, but it should have been. It's a wonderful bit of work called Little Lolita."

New York Dolls

"They've often been credited as giving birth to punk rock, which is quite possibly true. Three years before punk rock existed, the New York Dolls were actually making punk rock music. But where does that leave Iggy and the Stooges and MC5, who were doing it five years previous? It's basically just Shangri-La garage band music and it's wonderful stuff. David Johansson, very Mick Jagger-ish and obviously Johnny Thunders was very Keith Richard-ish. So there's a Stones influence there as well. But they made some fantastic music and there from their 1973 debut album of the same name, we heard the New York Dolls with Jet Boy."

Show Outro

"And that my friends is about it for this week. Been a real pleasure as always. I shall be back with you next week at exactly the same time. So you know what I'm going to say next. Don't touch that dial. Where else would you want to be thab right here on Planet Rock."

"So until then, I shall leave you with this taken from Action The Ultimate Story. This is Sweet and Teenage Rampage. Until next week, see ya!."

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