Tuesday, 23rd February 2021
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18 Years Ago DEF LEPPARD X/TEN Tour 2003 In Manchester, England (Fan Review 2)

Def Leppard 2003. Def Leppard 2003

Def Leppard played a show on the X/Ten tour in Manchester, England on 23rd February 2003 and a second fan review was sent in by Jo.

The show took place at the Carling Apollo.

Three other fan reviews are available from this show.

The first visit to this city since November 1996.

X/Ten 2002.

Jo - Fan Review Quotes

"After reluctantly watching the support acts for an hour, the lights dimmed and Def Leppard took to the stage with Disintegrate. During the show, DL played a range of songs from their earliest albums to their latest release X though the songs off Hysteria seemed to get the most applause."

"Surprisingly, they only played 4 songs off the new album. Joe Elliott spoke to the crowd a couple of times and made a few light hearted jokes about the people sitting being lazy."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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