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Monday, 31st July 2023
On This Day In Def Leppard History (31st July 2023)
Def Leppard 2023
On This Day in Def Leppard History - 31st July, the following concerts and events took place. Including a promo show in Fayetteville, NC during the X/Ten promo tour on this day in 2002.
The band played a short 8 song set on an outdoor stage in the parking lot of the Wal-Mart Supercenter. Rick Savage wore a sleeveless blue Wal-Mart employee vest top during the performance.
As of 2023, Def Leppard have played 8 times on this date.
2017 - Live Concert / Last In Line
2011 - Live Concert
2005 - Live Concert
2002 - Live Concert / Promo Show
1999 - Live Concert
1996 - Live Concert
Riverfest 96, Riverfront Park Amphitheatre, Little Rock, AR, USA
1993 - Live Concert
1980 - Live Concert
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