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Tuesday, 28th November 2023
On This Day In Def Leppard History (28th November 2023)
Def Leppard 2023
On This Day in Def Leppard History - 28th November, the following concerts and events took place. Including the 'Rocking The Campus' competition winners concert at Exeter University on this day in 1996.
The university won the chance to have a special intimate charity club show which was held in 700 capacity student's union venue.
Read more about this live show anniversary and view photos.
As of 2023, Def Leppard have played 4 times on this date.
2016 - Live Concert / Last In Line
1996 - Live Concert
1992 - Live Concert
1987 - Live Concert
Cow Palace, San Francisco, CA, USA | Night 1
1981 - Live Concert
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