On This Day In Def Leppard History (21st January 2023)
On This Day in Def Leppard History - 21st January, the following concerts and events took place. Including the 'Armageddon It' single reaching Number Three on the Billboard Top 100 chart in the USA on this day in 1989.
The third Top 3 hit in a row from the 'Hysteria' album and the sixth to be released (out of seven).
Read more about this single chart anniversary.
On this day in 2016 the band and fans departed the Port Of Miami, FL on day 1 of the 'Hysteria On The High Seas' cruise on board the MSC Divina cruise ship.
Read more this event anniversary and view photos.
As of 2023, Def Leppard have played 3 times on this date.
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