31 Years Ago JOE ELLIOTT/DEF LEPPARD UK Hysteria TV Interview

Def Leppard singer Joe Elliott appeared on UK TV show Monsters Of Rock on this day in 1987 and video is available.
The band had completed a three night stand at Hammersmith Odeon in London the night before.
An after party was held which is mentioned in the humorous interview with host Mick Wall filmed for the show Monsters Of Rock.
This show was broadcast in the UK on the satellite only SKY Channel which ran from 1984 to 1989. A number of European TV appearances featuring Def Leppard were broadcast on the channel at the time including some of the last with Steve Clark in late 1988/early 1989 from Holland.
Mick interviewed the band many times during the Hysteria tour for Kerrang! magazine and went on to appear in the 1998 Behind The Music documentary.
Joe discussed the current UK Hysteria tour, promo videos including 'Bringin' On The Heartbreak' and the band's future plans as they started a tour that would last until late October 1988.
He also mentions his back injury which was sustained in Belfast a week earlier at the third show of the tour.
Watch the full 7 minute interview below as posted by philip2112.

Joe Elliott - 10th September 1987 Interview Quotes
My guest this week is Mr. Joe Elliott. I should be asking him why it's taken him years to do his new album. And why it's gone straight to Number One and all that stuff but I'm not going to. Instead I'm going to ask you about this party we were at. It was a good party wasn't it?.
"It was great yeah. As you can tell. I think I got in an hour ago. Yeah it was good I enjoyed it."
I should explain to the viewers Def Leppard played their third night at Hammersmith Odeon in London last night. They had a big party afterwards. It's the first time you've ever been able to do three nights at Hammersmith.
"Yeah and they were all sold out which was nice. And they got better and better. The third night was the best."
You're definitely like the band of the moment aren't you?. Smash hit single. Number One album.
"We've become hip. It's very strange. It really is."
Do you think if I sort of get a bit nearer to you I'll become hip too?
"No, you'll probably become hippie."
Your tour started in Dublin didn't it a couple of weeks ago. How did you feel the first night before you got onstage?.
"A little bit nervous. I must admit. Especially with it being Dublin as well because we've spent so much time there it almost becomes like a home town gig. All the radio station people and the record company. The studio we were recording in, Windmill Lane, they were all down there. All the people you go for a drink with. They all came down. Oh yeah, they are in a band."
"But it went really well and I must admit as well that the following two gigs in Belfast were just really amazing. I'd like to take the time actually to say any bands out there watching. If you've never been to Belfast, go because they're a brilliant crowd. They really are."
"They were so good I got a bit over enthusiastic and jumped off the drum riser and landed weird and trapped a nerve in my back. That did me in for a couple of days."
A friend of mine said he saw you at the Nottingham and he said that you almost couldn't walk or something.
"I was actually, I'd had an epidural the day before which they normally give pregnant women. To try and relax the muscle and untrap the nerve. I was in hospital overnight having massages and needles in the back. All sorts of things. It's OK now."
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