2018 Def Leppard Auckland, New Zealand Online Review/Photos 3
Def Leppard played a 2018 tour show in Auckland, New Zealand on 12th November and a third media review has been posted.
Ambient Light Blog reviewed the show which took place at Spark Arena.
The first show in Auckland since October 2011.
A gallery with 29 photos is included with the review plus shots of the Scorpions.
Ambient Light Blog - Media Review Quote
"Big screen visuals often framed the stage, the band’s touring years flashing across them; a tribute to fallen guitarist Steve Clark who passed away in 1991 tastefully done as old footage of him playing the intro to ‘Gods of War’ slowly faded to black, the current Def Leppard line up taking up the reins. A very slight dip in energy crowd wise came before and after the title track of ‘Hysteria’ the live version seeing the song capped with the chorus line from David Bowie’s ‘Heroes’. With the album section of the set finishing with ‘Love and Affection’, the band exited the stage thus allowing the thousands in attendance the chance to not only show their appreciation but in true rock show style, scream for more."
Photos and reviews from any tour can be submitted - Here
- Read the full review at - ambientlightblog.com
- Def Leppard - Auckland 2018 Show Page
- Def Leppard - World Tour 2018
- Related News - 24th November 2018
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