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Thursday, 9th February 2017
Classic Def Leppard Concert Review 2 London, England 1983
Def Leppard played the first show of the Pyromania tour in London, England on 9th February 1983 and a second archive concert review is available to read.
Classic Rock's Dave Ling reviewed the show which took place at the legendary Marquee Club.
Dave Ling - Concert Review Quote
"If the tell-tale signs were present last time out, the Sheffield quintet have matured into something very special indeed."
This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.
Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here
- Read the full review - London 1983 Show Page
- Def Leppard - Pyromania Tour 1983/1984
- Related News - 9th February 2017
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