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Def Leppard Tour History Fan Archive.
Vivian Says Pyromania Residency Will Not Happen In 2014

Saturday, 25th January 2014

Vivian Campbell Sheffield 2008.
Pic By DefDazz/Darren

Def Leppard guitarist Vivian Campbell has told fans the Las Vegas Pyromania residency will not happen in 2014.

This follows on from the last mention of the residency by Phil in December 2013 who suggested it would be at "the end of next year" - as in 2014. Vivian did actually say last year on facebook that it wouldn't be until 2016 - thought to be trademark sarcasm at the time.

Vivian answered more fans questions and said it will not happen this year. The good news for fans in North America is the band are planning a to tour in Summer 2014 as hinted at for the past year.

Visit the Tour News section. For more news on future tour plans and a second residency in Las Vegas.

Vivian Campbell - 24th January facebook Quote

Pyromania Residency in 2014?

"I like your idea! However, Viva Pyromania is just something being talked about for 'sometime in the future'. It certainly won't happen this year."