Sunday, 23rd September 2012
Pic by DefDazz/Darren
Def Leppard singer Joe Elliott played a rare solo cover of a Mick Ronson song on his weekly radio show last night.
Joe revealed that he covered the song 'This Is For You' alongside the late Dick Decent for a Mick Ronson documentary. The song was aired as part of a three song tribute (see next news story for more).
Joe's version of the song dates from 2010 when news of a Mick Ronson documentary, called 'And Ronson Played Guitar', was mentioned online. Joe also contributed an interview for the film which seems to still be unreleased.
The official site for Mick Ronson references the documentary in 2010 (including Joe's contribution) and at least 10 mins of footage was used on a Free DVD in Classic Rock Magazine in May 2010.
The song was recorded by Mick Ronson in 1975.
The Joe Elliott Show - 22nd September Quote
"And before that a song that I recorded with Dick for a Mick Ronson documentary. The old Annette Peacock song that Ronson did on his Play Don't Worry album, a tune called This Is For You."
Mick Ronson Website - 2010 Quote
"The documentary is going great guns. Today I received Joe Elliot's interview which is wonderful, Thanks Joe."
The full one hour show can be listened to again ON DEMAND at the Planet Rock website. The song/tribute to Dick Decent begin at 43:28 mins in.
Listen to the show at - planetrock.com
Related Link - mickronson.com
Related Link - weirdandgilly.com