West Palm Beach, FL, USA - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By KCfla
Well, having been a Lep fan for over 20 years, and a Journey fan for nearly that long, I'd thought I'd died and gone to heaven to have the chance to see both of these bands live. This time I added another face to my "entourage" - my 16 yr. Old daughter. She had not been a DL fan until recently, having an acute hatred of them (which stemmed no doubt to the fact that I - HER MOTHER! - loved them!) West Palm changed all of that, if it hadn't already though!
The fact that our seats were not as close as I had had for the last few tours only allowed me to gain a new prospective. Being back in the second section allowed me to see the show as a whole, and not spend the night with eyes jumping from one band member to the other. And with this show - it really was amazing. The combination of the lights, video and music made it a true rock "Show"! And I also have to mention that although this show was not listed as "sold-out", I can't see how they could have possibly fit more people in! The seats were full, and the lawn sections seemed to be as well. My friend that's been to Sound Advice many time said this was the biggest crowd she'd ever seen there!
I must first mention that Jeff Scott Soto did credit to the Journey material. He really was the right guy to pull in in a pinch. He in fact was much more lively than the rest of the band. And while the music was very good, and they played all the hits - I remember them as being just a little more "animated" than they were. Well, perhaps it's age, or what they've been through the last few weeks. None the less, they were wonderful to watch and listen to.
The Leps came roaring onto the stage, to the new song "Hellraiser". And things really didn't slow down from there. As to the actual set-list, you'll have to ask another person. I was totally caught up in the music and the show. I know that the entire audience was on it's feet from beginning to end (which did not happen for the Journey portion until the last 3 songs) I felt truly sorry for a few of the Journey fans who actually left after their portion of the night. They missed a terrific show- and I know I heard that from the other Journey fans that were sitting around us that stayed. One couple that sat directly behind us (who's names I did not get) actually started asking me all sorts of questions during the set change, and proceeded to admit that while Journey was really good - DL was far better! And they'd definitely be back next time the guys came through.
I'll bet DL gained many more than those 2 fans Monday night. They did what they do best, and all that were there know it!
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