Oklahoma City, OK - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By Shaz
My friend Carrie and I arrived at the Ford Center just before Stoll Vaughan hit the stage. He was ok, we thought, but we were anxious to hear Journey and the Leps!
Journey started up and I must admit I was very pleasantly surprised. I had heard Steve Augeri (spelling?) on the cd he'd done with the band but had never heard Jeff Scott Soto sing, and was very happy with what I was hearing! He did great!! All of the Journey members were very interactive with the crowd (we got hit by the water bass player Ross Valory was shooting at people from something set up on his microphone stand, he was a hoot to watch!) and it was very enjoyable. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to clap to Lep songs because my hands were already sore!!
All too soon Journey ended their set and the roadies quickly changed the stage to accommodate the mighty Leps. It was very interesting to see how the riser at the back of the stage was put together, and so fast! I'd heard there was going to be some pyrotechnics in this show, and never having had experienced that live, I was anxious to see it.
"We Will Rock You" filled the arena - the experienced Lep concert-goers knew what that meant, and we stood and clapped waiting for the lights to go out at the end of the song... they did and our boys took the stage with a vengeance! I don't pay attention to setlists - that is what our dear Darren does and he does it so well ;) - but every song was spot-on and they were all full of energy, running back and forth across the stage. The boys were in a great mood, lots of eye contact with everyone with the crowd. The video screen at the back of the stage didn't detract from watching the boys at all, so that was nice. Other shows on previous tours had the screens on either side of the stage (ones I had attended, anyway) and it had been distracting because if you watched what was on the screen you missed what was happening on stage. Frustrating! So this was a nice change for me and I enjoyed that part very much. All the old pics of the band with Steve was a nice, bittersweet touch and I'm glad they included that.
During Rocket, I turned around and looked at the stadium - I couldn't see any empty seats at all and everywhere I looked people were doing the raised fist for "Rocket... Yeah!!" during the chorus. I was so happy to see the number of people there for the band, Journey and Leppard fans ROCK!!
Sav's solo - what more can I say about the man, it was so awesome to see him alone up there in a floodlight, playing his bass... fantastic! And the segue into Rock On was so cool, I think Rock On is a perfect concert song for them aside from their standards. It was done so well and everyone on stage was having such a good time!
At the end of PSSOM there were more pyrotechnics, a shower of sparks flowing down from the top of the video screen which was very cool as well. I thoroughly enjoyed the whole show from start to finish, and I think the pairing of the two bands was a brilliant idea!
Ready for another show guys... in answer to the age old question, "Do you wanna get rocked?"... Hell yes!!!! (cheesy grin).
Fan Review - By Diana/Beladiana
This show was by far the best I have seen this tour. Malvin opened the show, declared that he was an Oklahoma Sooners fan, and really got the crowd going. Stoll Vaughan is great. He gives it is all and it was a real treat when he invited Jonathan Cain, Ross Vallory and our own Curtis Laur, Phil’s guitar tech, to join him for his last song.
Journey gave us a fabulous show. I do hope there were loads of Journey fans out there to enjoy this show. Jeff Scott Soto opened up by saying how Oklahoma City had experienced more than it’s share of tragedies and seeing the Bombing Memorial was something that touched him in ways he will never forget. JSS is a class act and his energy is so contagious. A highlight for me was when Dean Castronovo sang lead on Faithfully. The kazilliatron ran pictures of his family, young pictures of him and his wife, wedding pictures, etc., and coupled with the lyrics to the song, it was really touching. I personally am glad that I finally got to experience Journey.
The anticipation of what’s to come when We Will Rock You starts is always, for me, heart stopping. This stage setup this tour is just incredible. The added pyro effects have increased my appreciation for this stage setup. Joe’s voice was incredible. Hellraiser was gone, and we realized later that so was Women, but Make Love Like A Man was in and a lot of fun. Phil’s vocal part is great on that song. At times I could hear the crowd singing so loud and that’s the sign of a killer show. I don’t memorize setlists because I just don’t want to be bothered (thank you to those of you that do!!!), but I do know the encore. I think, personally, that this setlist is great.
When the encore starts and Phil walks out with Bela, it’s so hard to believe that in two songs, it will all be over. Didn’t it just start 10 minutes ago? That, for me, is the sign of enjoying the “Def Leppard experience” to the fullest. Please don’t go, we love your music, you are fun to watch, hell to photograph (never stand still, do you?), and wishing it could go on for at least 2 ½ hours (last tour, ahem!).
Def Leppard gave OKC everything it wanted and needed and for that, a big thank you!
Fan Review - By Stefanie
My seat - 3rd row, dead center! I've never been right in the center before. That was the best view of Joe I've ever had. I guess I see now why so many women just luuuuuuuurve him, haha. Journey did very, very good. I enjoyed them as much as I did at my last show, but this time, I sat through 2 songs, and I'm not sure why. I think I was getting a little impatient. Again, I cried during 'Open Arms'. Sheesh.
It's actually kind of hard for me to believe that this is the same venue Bon Jovi played at on their most recent tour. Impressive for both Journey and Leppard to fill the place like they did. Good job, guys.
Favorite song of the set was '20th Century Boy', since I really wanted to hear it live the most. I loved it! The pyro stuff was great -- so HOT. 'Let It Go' is still kickass. Crowd was freakin' LOUD. My ears were ringing, and at one point I had to cover them for a moment. I almost never do that! I jumped up and down like I always do, and got the attention I strived to achieve from two particular band members, *wink*. Vivian tossed me 2 picks, I didn't catch either one -- but the thing that counts is that they were thrown to me! The ones around me said so, too. He probably threw them further than he had intended. (3rd row!) I had some minor complaints but they weren't enough to ruin the night.
I've never gone to back-to-back shows; I don't think I'd be able to. I need time to recover, LOL, from the jumping, and even more time for anticipation to build up.
DAMN good show; well worth the trip. This tour is amazing.
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