Lansing, MI - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By Mike, Lansing, MI
The crowd was probably 75-percent Leppard fans, 25-percent Bryan Adams fans. BA put on a great show in broad daylight. I was fully expecting my 9th Def Leppard show since 1992 to be a dud. I mean, I've heard all the songs they were going to do, and had started getting a bit bored hearing "Sugar", "Rock Of Ages" and "Love Bites". Well, I was wrong. The energy these guys put into belting out the hits more than made up for the lack of any rare gems in the setlist. Of course, being closer to the stage than we'd ever been (about 15 feet back, Phil's side in front of the speakers) helped quite a bit.
A hot night, Joe commented it may have been the hottest on the tour. While not a sellout, it was still a much bigger crowd than what normally shows up for a Lansing Lugnuts baseball game at the stadium. "No Matter What" went down alright, and while most fans had no clue what was going on when the tape started for "Rock On", it received a fairly good reception by the time it wrapped up.
Good time had by all.. and SOME of you are nuts. I spoke with several fans before the show.. some people seeing 8 to 10 shows on the tour, in town from Baton Rouge, Pennsylvania, parts of Canada.
Fan Review - By Kashmir
“The Good, the Bad and the Ugly” :: The Good, no, make that GREAT, were the Leps! The Bad was the general admission seating. The Ugly were the obnoxious drunks on the field in front of the stage.
We got there around 1:30 and it was a hot and sunny day, a good day for a concert, if you didn’t have to stand in line for hours waiting to get into the show. We checked out the venue first and were lucky enough to once again meet Rick and Phil by the tour buses and have pictures taken. These guys are so great to their fans. I have never been turned down. They always make time for you, and we really appreciate it guys!
At 5:30 they finally opened the gates, and it was a mad rush to the stage. We got to about 4th row center. However, it was so hot and crowded we didn’t stay there long. We ended up sitting in the stands for Randy Coleman and Bryan Adams. Randy was good, but I felt like with Lep and Bryan we really didn’t need another act. Bryan Adams was very good, and the crowd really enjoyed him. It was very cool when he brought a female fan on stage to sing a song with him. She really seemed to enjoy it too!
The stadium was about ¾ full by the time the Leps went on and the field was packed. We made our way back down to about 12th row on Phil’s side. The guys were great, as always. They really give it their all. It was cool to hear “No Matter What” and “Rock On”. I can’t wait for “Yeah” to come out! However, with the general admission seating it was a real problem being down front. There were people pushing and shoving. There were people smoking down there, which I thought was very dangerous, since everyone was shoulder to shoulder. I would much rather have assigned seats. Maybe I am just getting to old for the BS! There were also quite a few very obnoxious drunks. They really ruined a lot of the concert for those of us around them. I really love the Leps, but I will not do GA seating again! Come back soon guys!!.
Fan Review - By Zak Fender
The show was excellent! I loved Def Leppard's set! It was incredible. Bryan was also great. They both rocked. It was one of my favorite rock package shows that I've been to in a long time since Poison in '99.
Fan Review - By Renee
Hi all Lep Fans The concert in Lansing was awesome. Def Leppard was totally alive and full of Rock In Roll Energy. The music was bang on, Lasers, and they also dropped a screen behind Rick which displayed old clips of the band, also some clips of their music videos etc..that was kind of cool to see the band at different stages of their career (made me realize how old I'm getting) lol It was worth traveling 5 hours for, do it again tomorrow if I could. The guys were rocking all over the stage. Savage was dressed all in white very sharp. The only strange thing was that Joe didn't introduce the whole band I guess they were pressed for time. Joe brought goose bumps, man he nails those tunes. Well that was my 8th time seeing Def Leppard live......... and I can't wait till number 9. Hope you get to catch them in concert.
Fan Review - By Carla Gibson
The Leps were totally awesome as usual. It is always GREAT to hear all the wonderful songs again. I echo Kashmir's sentiment about some of the obnoxious drunks at the stage. I like to drink, too, but in that type of setting, where it is body to body, there is no place for smoking and pushing/shoving and nastiness. We were almost knocked down a few times...and I was hit in the head more than once. I'm done with general admission, too. Hope the Leps don't do that next time...and there will be a next time! Met Phil before the show at the buses. As a bonus to me and my Sis, he was shirtless and in shorts! What, you say, Phil without a shirt?? Is that possible? Yes, up close and with Sis touching it for her pic...then the same for me. Awesome! We love you Phil. He was sweet and cute and wonderful!
Have to say, I REALLY missed not talking to Joe. What a man! He was awesome on stage and his voice was GREAT! The show was a real winner! Nice to meet a few of you fellow fans! YOU ROCK!!.
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