Davenport, IA - Fan Reviews
Fan Review - By Eddie (from the Quad Cities)
We attended the show at our local minor league ballpark. John O'Donnell Stadium. The show was scheduled to begin at 6:30 pm, So we got there at around 5.15. The line to get in the venue was at least 3/4 miles long Although we entered in about a half hour. We chose seats just left of center in the lower reserved seat area, although it was a general admission show.
Promptly at 6:30 the opening act started, I cant recall the name but they did their best to warm up the crowd. At 7:00 sharp Bryan Adams hit the stage and played all his hits, He was great! Sounded exactly like his recorded music. He played for An hour and a half and like I eluded to before He rocked the house. After Bryan finished we had a 1/2 hour interlude while the stage was set up for the main act.
Britain's own DEF LEPPARD! The Boys Hit the stage at 9:00pm And started rocking right from song one. They played almost non stop from 9 to 11 performing all there hits as well as Badfinger's "No matter what" and David Essex's "Rock On".
Joe sounded a little tired but still gave it the ole British try. Phil and Vivian Were in grand form and sounded great together.. Rick and Rick as always were flawless... The show was a blast from the past for me as I had saw Joe and the boys in their original state back in 1980. Overall it was a great outside show and we enjoyed it immensely; Now if only every concert could be this great.:}.
Fan Review - By Katie
The Davenport show had a pretty good crowd, and everyone seemed excited. There were moths ALL over the stage- I felt bad for the guys having to play with bugs all over the place. They drove Joe nuts especially- he kept commenting on them. It was kinda funny though because the guys kept picking bugs out of each other's hair and everything. The whole set was awesome as usual, but the highlight for me was Rock On, b/c I'd never seen this one before. When I saw them in Oklahoma City they were still doing Have You Ever Needed Someone So Bad instead. Rock On is absolutely amazing. It starts out with just Joe on the stage singing and about 1/2 way through the rest of the guys sneak out on the stage and just ROCK OUT to finish the song. I can't even begin to describe it accurately, so I probably just sound like I'm rambling. lol After the show my friend Natalie and I got to meet Viv, Phil, and Rick, and they were all just as sweet as they can be! Natalie got to meet Joe as well, but I didn't.
Fan Review - By Diana
The show was fantastic. The guys had a lot of energy and played very tight. There were at least one million bugs flying around....Joe said that "it was very hard to talk with his mouth closed" due to all the bugs. They didn't play "Rock On" when I saw them in Ft. Worth, that was an excellent addition. The whole crowd seemed to be singing every song through the whole set. There were boats out on the Mississippi River parked and listening. There were people lined up on the bridge listening. I was very close to Phil's side of the stage, the first time I have ever been that close......I could see so much more, and feel the music pulsating around me, and even through me. All I can say is WOW!.
Fan Review - By LeeAnn
The concert was awesome. I can't get enough of seeing the guys live. I enjoyed seeing Rick Allen smiling throughout the show. The guys looked great. I also enjoyed the videos shown while they sang the songs. I always love their light shows. It was a dream of mine to see them outdoors and to be only 7 rows back wasn't bad. I love Def Leppard and will continue going to see them whenever possible. I was impressed when they did the song Rock On. It was pure rock energy through the whole show. I LOVED IT ALL.
Fan Review - By PhilsXgirl
I saw two shows. The one in St. Paul and the one in Davenport Iowa. For me seeing Bryan Adams and Def Leppard on the same stage is a dream come true they are my favorite bands. What I did notice was how different the crowds were for both shows. Bryan's fan are more polite and don't push you around. Def Leppard closed both shows I was at and by the time they took the stage at each show I saw pushed and shoved and people tried to take my spot up at the rail, which by the way I had stood for up to four hours to have. Both bands played their hearts out. In Davenport my niece Jennifer got pulled out of the crowd by security for no reason and she got beat up by them and dumped outside the arena. I am posting pictures of her bruises.
Fan Review - By LeppardMania
John O'Donnell Stadium was absolutely packed to capacity see the Def Leppard/Bryan Adams double-header. People were even standing on the bridge outside the stadium that separates the Iowa/Illinois border to watch the show. However, after observing the crowd in more detail, it was obvious that it was a "Def Leppard" crowd. I only saw 2 Bryan Adams shirts in the entire audience, and Def Leppard shirts were everywhere to be seen.
Bryan Adam's was received well by the crowd, highlighted by the classic "Summer of '69" in the middle of his set. However, when Def Leppard hit the stage at approximately 9:05 PM, the crowd went absolutely insane. They played their usual set (no surprises) as the crowd seemed to sing along to every word of every song, including No Matter What and Rock On. The boys had an incredible amount of energy, and Joe Elliott proved why he is one of greatest frontman in rock history, with a stage presence second to none!
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