Cedar Rapids, IA - Media Reviews
Def Leppard @ Five Seasons Center By Cedar Rapids Gazette
As heavy-metal goes, Def Leppard plays it well.
But unlike the more political bands which introduced the sound during the 1960s, they agitate without conviction.
And they rely heavily on volume.
It really doesn't matter what they play.
The teens yell, scream, clap and flick their cigarette lighters in adoration.
The louder it is, the more they respond.
The bass drum and bass guitar were cranked loudly so that hearts throbbed as the beat travelled from the floor up into the body.
Still, this wasn't the loudest concert I've heard.
And Def Leppard gave the crowd of 9,875 what they wanted.
They played their hit songs, wearing skintight pants and spied leather guitar straps, and spoke with an English accent.
Between songs they extolled the virtues of partying.
The floor of the hall was packed with bodies swaying back nd forth, lifting their arms toward the stage.
Emotion filled the room, as if it were some kind of religious gathering.
Def Leppard even played 'Rock Of Ages', their current hit single.
No, it's not the hymn.
By Cedar Rapids Gazette 1983.
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