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def leppard / Goodbye UK Single Release

on this day - 27th September 1999

On this day in Def Leppard history the 'Goodbye' single was released in the UK.
The second single from the 'Euphoria' album.

Def Leppard 1999.

"Called Goodbye but it's not about saying goodbye."

Def Leppard 1999.

This section looks at the 'Goodbye' UK single release. The second single taken from the 'Euphoria' album.

"It's more about you don't have to say goodbye."

Def Leppard released their classic single Goodbye on this day in 1999 in the UK.

The second single to be released from the Euphoria album.

The follow up to the 'Promises'/'Back In Your Face' double A-Side which had reached Number 41 in July 1999.

It was released on 27th September 1999 having been delayed from the 23rd August/20th September.

The single entered the main UK singles chart at Number 54 on 9th October 1999.

Sadly this was to be its one and only week on the chart.

A performance of this song, and 'Promises'/'Back In Your Face', was taped for Top Of The Pops in early June.

None of the songs were ever broadcast due to the low chart positions with neither of the singles making the main Top 40.

Read some quotes about the song below.

Def Leppard 1999.

Def Leppard 1999. Def Leppard 1999

Joe Elliott - June 1999 Interview Quote

"Goodbye was written by Rick Savage and the influence was, it became Leppardized and we made it less specific than it was. But it was hands reaching out above adversity."

Def Leppard 1999.

VH1 Storytellers - 26th July 1999 Onstage Quotes

Joe Elliott

"We're gonna do something from our current album Euphoria for ya. This is a song that Rick Savage wrote. Our bass player. Co former, what's the word?."

Def Leppard 1999.

Goodbye 1999.

Rick Savage


Joe Elliott

"Co-dependent, Cooperative....Co former of the band. In other words me and him we kinda started it. 1970 something. Anyway, but this is his most recent composition. And it's a song which, it may kind of sound negative in its kinda of peripheral kind of a...."

Goodbye 1999.

Rick Savage

"No it doesn't. I wrote it!."

Joe Elliott

"You wanna fight?. Anyway the song's called Goodbye but it's not about saying goodbye. It's more about you don't have to say goodbye. In other words whether you've lost somebody you love. Physically or you've just spilt up with them. Or they've died or you've just parted company in whatever way. They're always there if you want them to be."

Def Leppard 1999.

Def Leppard 1999. Def Leppard 1999

Rick Savage

"Couldn't have put it better myself Joe. Thanks."

Joe Elliott

"You would have just done it in about one minute. It takes me three minutes. Why say it in one word when you can say it in ten."

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