Saturday, 7th April 2018
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Classic Def Leppard Fan Review 1 Erie, PA 2003

X/Ten 2002.

Def Leppard played a show on the X/Ten tour in Erie, PA on 7th April 2003 and a fan review was sent in by Missimace.

The show took place at the Louis J. Tullio Arena.

Two other fan reviews are available for this show.

Missimace - Fan Review Quotes

"The song 'Now' was done and the story of how they got the shirts the video was told. Joe commented to the audience to hold up their union jack shirts and then when he looked at one audience members they said "that one's bootleg" and the reaction was that of hysterics."

"They performed 'Now' and it sounded so wonderful. Then they played some more old songs and to me I feel that the best performance was 'Women'. They sounded awesome and the "female audience" just went crazy. Dancing, Singing and Screaming were all that was seen. When the guys started playing 'Pour Some Sugar On Me' is when the entire audience just went completely crazy. Everyone was already rowdy and having the time of their life....but when that song started it was 100 times more intense than it had already been."

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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