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Def Leppard Tour History Fan Archive.
Phil Collen Talks About 1999 Diamond Awards Ceremony

Thursday, 22nd October 2015

Phil Collen 2014.
Phil Collen Auburn 2014

Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen has been interviewed by Tucson radio and mentioned the 1999 awards ceremony.

Phil talked about the current release strategy for music, the band being together for many years, his new book, his health and fitness, the mix of different people in the audience, the 1999 Diamond Award ceremony, the band's success in the 80s and how the band dealt with the tragedies in the 80s/90s.

The Diamond Awards ceremony took place in New York on 16th March 1999. 'Hysteria' had been certified 10 times platinum in 1998.

Follow this link to view a photo of the band as they arrived at the event.

Listen to the full 9 minute interview via the link below.

Visit the Album News section. For more news on new music (based on band member quotes) dating back to January 2011.

Jim Parisi Show - Phil Collen Interview Quote

A moment where he had an appreciation for the band's accomplishments?

"I think I didn't realise how much we'd accomplished because we was doing album tour, album tour until we got our first Diamond award. Which is you know going ten times platinum. And you know we were talking earlier on about the industry changing so much. You know you used to have Gold albums, Platinum albums and then if you went ten times platinum you got a Diamond Award. We had the first Diamond Award ceremony ever in New York and it was you know - it's us. It's Elton John, it's Billy Joel, you know the guys from Journey, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd. It was an amazing - but all in the same room."

"So it was actually really weird and - I think actually out of anything that happened at that moment in time we went 'wow, OK so these guys are our peers'. And we ended up getting two of them, two of these things. We got one for Hysteria and one for Pyromania. It was you know achievement wise you can't really - and they always say you don't measure it with something that's a material object but with these things they really - it did hit home what we'd actually been doing and what we'd accomplished you know from all those years of just touring and working in the studio. So it was kinda nice. It was a really nice event and the whole thing actually meant quite a lot and I didn't think it would but it was actually really cool."