Sunday, 10th April 2022
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19 Years Ago DEF LEPPARD X/TEN Tour 2003 In New York, NY (Fan Review 2)

Def Leppard 2003. Def Leppard 2003

Def Leppard played a show on the X/Ten tour in New York, NY on 10th April 2003 and a second fan review was sent in by Jeannine.

The show took place at the Beacon Theatre, the first of three nights.

Two other fan reviews are available from this show.

The first visit to this city since September 2002.

X/Ten 2002.

Jeannine - Fan Review Quotes

"Anticipation was rising in the could feel it. "We Will Rock You" came on - and long time fans started to cheer as they knew the moment would be soon upon us. Gary Glitter rang through the building - the lights went down…and then DISINTEGRATE came on with full strobes. The crowd went nuts as Lep took the stage. The roar was deafening."

"The first strains of "Let it Go" came over the speakers! WOW! They so ROCK! Everyone was on their feet. Joe's voice starts to cut in and out - OH NO! It was fixed quickly. The boys go into "Rock Rock" and the crowd is all on its feet, fists pumping in the air and singing at the top of their lungs. This is great! This is one reason I love concerts, everyone in the place feels the same way you do, at that moment!"

This and other archive concert reviews can be found on the show pages in the Tour History.

Fan photos and reviews from any past tour can be submitted - Here

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