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News - Def Leppard Slang Album Reissue Set For iTunes Release

Wednesday, 6th June 2012


Def Leppard guitarist Phil Collen has said that the Slang Reissue will be available on iTunes when it is released.

The reissue may be due at the end of the year according to Vivian and Phil has also spoken about the release in a new interview with Bryan Breesman.

The original album was available on Apple's store for a while a few years ago before Lep's music was taken down. The mention of it being on iTunes seems to give weight to the release happening later on in 2012. Phil also gives some insight during this interview as to why the band have had problems with digital distribution.

All previous updates on this release and new music can be found in the Album News section.

Bryan Breesman - Phil Collen Interview Quotes

Music licensing Issues?

"It's usually down to the labels, but it depends on what kind of deals and management you've got. Our management at the time, Q Prime, had some iron clad stuff on our behalf, which was fantastic and another reason why Def Leppard wasn't on iTunes. We had a clause in there that said with any other medium of music that comes out - because we'd had vinyl, cassette, CD, DVD - you have to get our permission [for song licensing]. Just a simple thing like that didn't allow a label to totally exploit a band, which it would have done."

Slang Album

"We were never on that [iTunes] because we had a loophole, but we have a live album and the Slang album going up and new versions of "Pour Some Sugar On Me" and "Rock Of Ages" going up in about a week that sound identical to the originals."

Read the full interview at -

Def Leppard - Interviews 2012

Def Leppard - Slang 1996

Def Leppard - 2012 Album News

Previous News - 6th June 2012